Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Knit Berets, hobo gloves & aviators

So I'm working on a style overhaul for myself. I'm trying to work on a more sophisticated yet still kind of funky. So far I've been working on layering & skinny jeans. I'm loving the converse/skinny jean pairing but I need something more! My only issue is I'm terrible at dressing myself & terrified to try on something different for me.

My first line of business is a trench coat or a long pea coat. I'm leaning towards either red or brown. I love this one:

83609296-04.jpg(Forever 21)

My next favorite is the sweater dress. I wore one for New Years Eve with bright pink tights and fell in love. Here is another one I would love to add to my wardrobe:

Now vests...I know what you might be thinking. Megan in an argyle sweater vest?! And no those aren't the ones I'm talking about. Something like this (or really any long drapey vests although I think I'd like to try a structured vest as well):


women+suit+vest.jpg.png(google search)

I guess I'm really in the sweater mode. I really like the boyfriend sweater:


I'm also starting to be attracted to scarves like this one:

00009187-02.jpg(Forever 21)

And never once before have I ever wanted a leather bag...but a few of them are starting to catch my eye:


(although I'm looking for a more burnt orange color)

TANO-designer-handbags-carmen-get-it-3597-designer-purses.jpg(TANO handbags)

I feel like over the past year my style has changed a lot or at least evolved. I still love converse, bright colors and tye dye; just now I'm looking for a little more gown up style. As well as adding in more natural colors of browns & greens. My taste in accessories has also changed from hemp chokers and from gauged ears to a more feminine dangley style with made from other materials than just plastic and hemp.

I've also discovered a love for almost anything vintage. I love the colors. The browns and dark oranges and reds. Even the turquoises and jades. I love the sepia tint of vintage t-shirts and photographs. In the vintage inspired jewelry I love the brushed metals of copper and silver and the use of wood.

Maybe one day I will get to a point where I love my wardrobe. But for now I need to keep selecting pieces. Such as a new pair of sun glasses...mirrored aviators

1690.jpg(sunglass warehouse)